Hospitals are a leading source of medical waste, consisting of different forms of non-hazardous and hazardous waste. Improper medical and pharmaceutical waste management in hospitals can pose significant health-related and environmental risks.
Here are a few ways to improve waste management in hospitals.
Know the State Laws on Medical Waste Regulation
Regulated medical waste consists of medical tools and materials that have been contaminated by infectious or biohazard agents such as blood or bacteria. Familiarize yourself and the hospital staff with state laws based on medical and hazardous waste regulations.
Provide Medical Staff with Proper Training
Workers who are responsible for managing medical wastes are at a high risk of health dangers. These health risks can result due to exposure to hazardous waste, radioactive waste, and infectious waste. Healthcare waste workers need to be trained regularly regarding medical waste control and management.
The training should help them understand the potential risks concerning poor medical waste removal. It should also teach them ways to minimize the risks and protect themselves. Waste management training should extend to all medical staff, including waste workers and doctors, to rag pickers and laborers.
Use Reusable Medical Products
The excessive medical waste produced in hospitals is often a result of heavy reliance on disposable medical materials and tools. Certain medical equipment can be disinfected and hence reused. Focus on minimizing medical waste disposal by using reusable medical products and instruments.
Use Non-Hazardous Medical Material
Hazardous diagnostic tools such as mercury-containing tools and equipment can cause several health-related hazards. Instead, switch to electronic and digital diagnostic tools to prevent health-related consequences and risks.
Ensure Proper Management of Sharps
The poor disposal of sharps waste such as syringes, needles, scissors, shards, and blades can pose significant health hazards. It is essential to ensure safe sharps waste removal and management to prevent health consequences. Sharps management would involve installing waste containers specifically for sharps waste.
Use Distinguishable Waste Containers
Waste segregation should not just be limited to sharps waste. Make sure to use segregated waste containers for pharmaceutical waste and chemotherapy waste as these wastes are highly toxic and hazardous. The segregation should not be ensured at the time of generation; it should be maintained until the final disposal of medical waste.
Leading Medical Waste Disposal Company in Denver, CO
Medical Services is a leading infectious waste and medical waste removal company. Our safe and cost-effective services include the removal of pharmaceutical waste, pathology waste, chemotherapy waste, sharps waste, and biohazard waste.
We have been providing safe and reliable waste management services throughout Colorado for over 25 years. We aim to prevent environmental and health risks that arise due to poor management of medical waste.
Contact us now for more information.