Are you properly segregating your hazardous waste?
About the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
Defining Hazardous Waste
A waste is any solid, liquid, or contained gaseous material that is discarded by being disposed of, burned or incinerated, or recycled. Our team in Denver specializes in biohazard waste removal and management, and plays an active role in creating a safe and hazard-free environment.
Defining RCRA
RCRA was passed with three goals in mind: to protect human health and the environment; to reduce waste and conserve energy and natural resources; and to reduce or eliminate the generation of hazardous waste as expeditiously as possible.
It is the person that determines that the item is no longer useful and is now waste that is required to determine if that waste is hazardous or if it can safely be put in the solid waste stream.
Under classification could be very expensive as a result of fines assessed by the regulating agencies, but over classifying is expensive if you are treating things as hazardous that could be put in the regular trash.
The F-List and K-List pertain to wastes that are generated during manufacturing processes that are carried out at a facility. The P-List and U-Listed wastes are usually related to unused, expired, or spilled chemicals.

Did you know?
Common items that require special handling and should never be placed in the solid waste stream are:
- Any florescent light bulb
- Alkaline and Lithium-ion batteries
- All solvents and stains
- All paints in liquid form
- Floor strippers
- Degreasers
The four RCRA listed wastes are the F, K, P, U list wastes. Knowing which of your wastes fits under what list will allow you to better manage each of your waste streams.
P-Listed Pharmaceuticals:
Name | No. |
Arsenic trioxide | P012 |
Epinephrine(1) | P042 |
Nicotine | P075 |
Nitroglycerin(2) | P081 |
Physostigmine | P204 |
Physostigmine salicylate | P188 |
Warfarin >0.3% | P001 |
U-Listed Pharmaceuticals:
Name | No. |
Chloroform | U044 |
Dichlorodifluromethane | U075 |
Formaldehyde | U122 |
Mitomycin C (chemo) | U010 |
Phenol | U188 |
Saccharin | U202 |
Warfarin <0.3% | U248 |
Your RCRA / Hazardous Waste Specialists

From 1 quart to 55 gallons we offer a full line of RCRA approved containers for everything from laboratory chemicals to batteries.
The EPA requires that all RCRA / Hazardous Waste be packaged and transported in accordance with strict procedures and guidelines, while disposal must be coordinated and managed in properly permitted facilities. Medical System’s combination of specialized personnel, processes, and equipment is designed to safely transport and dispose of virtually any RCRA waste type.
Medical Systems highly trained technicians provide our customers with safe, compliant and cost-effective RCRA management, while meeting all regulatory and sustainability goals.
Don’t guess lets work together to identify and properly dispose of your RCRA / Hazardous waste in a way that will meet your financial goals while remaining compliant.